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Do I need to book a swim?

Advance booking for swimming is NOT required - our reception team can check you in. We do recommend checking our app for swim times to help you avoid disappointment though.

It is also possible to use our app to check-in/book on arrival or before your visit. If you do this, there's no need to queue at venues with automated access gates - you can head straight to the gate and swipe your band/card from 30 minutes before the slot you booked into.

Updated on:
August 30, 2023

What are you doing about people who book but don't turn up?

🚫 No-shows are common at every gym, which affects everyone. Causes include:

  • Overbooking
  • Late cancellations
  • No cancellations

🛠️ We're making improvements:

  • New reports to track the problem
  • Upgrading gate systems for better attendance tracking
  • Mobile app updates to provide reminders and easy cancellation
  • Developing an app based waiting list for full classes
  • Direct member communication for repeated no-shows/overbooking

🚧 Penalties for no-shows might be required. Be ready:

  • Book only if you'll attend
  • Use "My Bookings" for reminders
  • Cancel early if you can't attend
  • Follow gate instructions
  • At gateless venues, inform reception about every activity you plan to use
Updated on:
October 18, 2023

When will health suites (sauna, steam etc) reopen?

Glasgow City Council faced significant financial challenges during the budget planning for 2023/24, leading to a reduction in funding for Glasgow Life. This compelled us to find savings of £7.15 million. Despite this, we prioritised maintaining services, facilities and activities which maximise access for the greatest number of citizens, offer the greatest positive impact and best serve the people of Glasgow.

After careful consideration, we decided to keep health suites closed due to their high operating costs and the need for extensive upgrades to meet customer expectations. Looking ahead to 2024/25, we face an additional £3.04million in savings. However, our focus remains on maintaining access to gyms, classes and pools across Glasgow, promoting physical and mental well-being for all residents.

We understand this may be disappointing, and we want to assure you that these decisions were made with the community's best interests in mind. Thank you for your understanding.

Updated on:
May 2, 2024

Why can’t I add myself to a waiting list?

In the days and hours leading up to an activity, many of the original bookings are cancelled. Our booking software includes a waiting list function. It checks every half hour whether spaces have become available and if so, triggers an email offering the opportunity to book to everyone on the list.

Once the emails are sent, the system waits for a response. The booking system can't tell if those receiving them aren't checking their email or have changed their plans/no longer want a space. When this system was switched on it was leading to spaces tied up by the system and there was no way to override this so spaces often remained empty even as the activity started.

In January a technology problem stopped the emails being able to be sent altogether. It meant we had to switch off the waiting list completely otherwise all activities would be stuck half full. Repeated attempts to find the source of the problem with the email system have failed and we're still working on it. We did see more spaces filled by members than when waiting lists were switched on though. Having to manually check for spaces in the hours leading up to the class, whilst not ideal, seemed to work better than a waiting list, even if it was less convenient

We’ll keep working on a fix to the email system, and also new challenge: the growing number of people who book but cancel at the last minute. Until we can resolve these issues, we thank you for your patience.

You may find it helpful to add classes you want a space in to your “Favourites” - this can make it easier to check on them regularly. This video shows how this works:

Updated on:
May 25, 2022

What is recreational swimming?

This is just a leisure swimming session you can attend as an individual or family.

Booking ahead is NOT required but we do recommend checking our app for swimming times to avoid disappointment. You can also book/check yourself in for a swim - that will save time on arrival and means you can head straight to the gate at venues where we have automated access gates (no need to join a queue).

Updated on:
August 30, 2023

Why are there no longer any health suite facilities in Scotstoun?

The overall upgrade programme within the pool area at Glasgow Club Scotstoun was reassessed following the initial postponement in March 2020 due to COVID-19.

After careful consideration of the funding available for the project, we re-evaluated the results of the customer survey carried out when the pool refurbishment was first announced in 2019. Based on this feedback and analysis of which areas of the pool were most utilised prior to its closure, the strategic decision was made to remove the health suite facilities from Scotstoun in order to increase available changing facilities and toilet provision for all.

By repurposing the health suite space within Scotstoun pool, we have created a facility which delivers the services we know our users want, and makes better use of Glasgow Life’s budget.

Updated on:
March 10, 2023

I've got a problem with the app - how do I fix it?

Sorry you're having problems. We've created a step-by-step help guide on our website

Updated on:
July 1, 2024

How do I cancel, transfer or refund a booking?

Cancelling a membership inclusive/free booking

If you made a booking that did not require payment (e.g. if the activity was free/included in your membership) it can be cancelled in our app or online booking website.

  • Tap "My Bookings"
  • Select the booking you want to cancel
  • Tap the "Cancel" button (if this is greyed out see below)
Paid Bookings / Refunds

The 'shopping' process is handled by a different system from checkout/payment. This keeps your card details secure. Human intervention is required to reverse the payment or handle an exchange. By comparison, a booking included in membership costs zero so cancellation is quick and easy. 

If Glasgow Life is unable to provide your activity (e.g. an unexpected closure occurs):
  • If you paid in our app/website our customer support team will process a refund for you automatically – no action is required on your part
  • If you paid at venue by phone or in person, the reception team will offer a transfer to a new session of the same value OR process a refund to the card used to pay for the original booking, only refunding cash if you paid this way.
If YOU wish to cancel a 'Pay As You Go' booking

All Pay As You Go bookings are payable in advance and non-transferrable or refundable, so please ensure when making the booking that you are definitely able to attend. In exceptional circumstances, the manager of the venue or programme running your booked activity, may at their discretion, offer an exchange or refund. We cannot guarantee this will be possible and any refunds approved will be made using the original payment method.

Updated on:
November 18, 2022

How do I get a membership card or RFID band?

Just Joined? 

If you've joined online you can pick up a membership card or RFID band on your first visit. Just ask at reception.

Membership cards are free so if yours is lost/damaged please ask for a replacement which will render your original card/band unusable by anyone else.

Your first RFID band is free as a pay monthly member or £2 for Pay As You Go users.

Lost a card or band and need a replacement?

All customers can collect a replacement member card at reception for free.

A replacement RFID band can be purchased at reception for £2

Pay As You Go users may also pay a £2 deposit for an RFID band to be able to use RFID enabled lockers (where these are available) and return the band for a refund of this on each visit. NOTE: With this option, the band is not linked to your account so can only be used with the locker (no other features are available).

Updated on:
August 25, 2022

Will the Glasgow Club App work on my Android or Apple phone or tablet?

Phones and tablets can become too old to be able to support recent versions of the operating system. All apps have a "minimum version" of it they can run on. This keeps the app features current and your information secure. You can check if our app will still run on your device by visiting the app page in your phone/tablet app store:

Sadly, our devices do eventually reach an age where they can’t keep pace with the latest operating system releases. if you aren’t ready for a new phone or tablet, the same email and password you use for the app works on our booking web page. We try and retain compatibility as far as possible. Windows phones are the exception with too small a user-base to justify the development costs of providing an app.

Updated on:
July 1, 2024

What is an RFID band? How do I get one?

What’s an RFID band?

It's a silicone wristband with a microchip in it that stores a unique code that identifies your membership.

What does it do?

At venues with automatic access gates and/or RFID enabled lockers:

  • Bypass the queue and tap to open access gates to enjoy pre-booked activities
  • Lock and unlock RFID-enabled lockers (no more hunting for coins or carrying a key during your work out)
  • Quickly and easily log into RFID-enabled gym equipment to access your programme, monitor your progress and sign up for challenges
  • Exit the car park at Glasgow Club Gorbals without having to remember to collect a code from reception

How do I get one?

You can collect a band from reception when you visit a venue with self-service access control gates and/or RFID enabled lockers - currently available at:

  • Gorbals
  • Kelvin Hall
  • Scotstoun
  • Tollcross

How much does it cost?

If you’re a Pay Monthly member you’ll get your first band free. If you need a replacement it costs £2

If you visit us on Pay As You Go basis, you can buy your own band for £2. Alternatively you can pay a £2 deposit, refunded when you return the band at the end of your visit. NOTE: returnable bands are not linked to your account so they can only be used to operate the lockers. The other features above require that you buy a band for £2

How is it different from a membership card or key fob?

Cards and fobs have a single function - they let you access the venue. RFID bands have other benefits (above) and offer greater convenience.

RFID bands can be read quicker and from much further away than the barcode on your membership card/key fob. It doesn’t need line-of-sight so you’re less likely to experience difficulty scanning through access gates.

It's fully waterproof so you can swim with it too.

What if I lose it?

You can buy a new band for £2 or continue to use your membership card and coin operated lockers.  If you let us know its lost, we’ll remove it from your account to ensure no-one else can access your personal information or activities you’ve paid for.

Can it be returned/recycled?

Yes, if you stop your membership or you’re simply not using your band, please hand it back at reception so we can reduce waste by recycling it


Which venues can I use it at?

You can use your band at the access control gates and lockers in Glasgow Club Gorbals, Kelvin Hall, Scotstoun, and Tollcross.

All our gyms also have RFID enabled gym kit so you’ll be able tap your band to access your personal programme, monitor your progress and take part in challenges once you’ve set up a free MyWellness account. Any of our gym team can tell you more and assist you with this.


Why are there different coloured bands?

 Members are allocated a band based on the type of membership they choose.  This helps us identify younger members and those who maybe new to exercise and need some additional support when accessing activities. It also helps us ensure members are accessing sessions which are appropriate for them and are included in their choice of membership.  

Are they latex-free?

Yes, the bands are pure silicone and contain no latex so you can still wear one if you have a latex allergy.

Updated on:
November 22, 2022

How do I cancel my Glasgow Club membership?

We'll be sorry to see you go and please get in touch first if you think there might be something we can fix for you.

If you have a venue membership paid by monthly direct debit you can simply cancel your Direct Debit instruction to pay "Culture & Sport Glasgow" with your bank (usually possible in a banking app or by phone) at least 5 working days before the next payment is due (7th of each month). You will have access to all the benefits of your membership, up to and including the 5th of the next month and no further payments will be requested. See our updated membership terms for details.

If you have an online-only membership you can visit https://glasgowclub.online and log into your online fitness membership, then under Billing click View or Cancel plans where you'll see a link to cancel any paid membership plan. You'll be asked for a cancellation reason (this feedback helps us keep improving) and have the option to end immediately or retain access until the end of the period you've paid for (usually up to the end of the month or any trial period).

Updated on:
December 1, 2022

What's happened to the Platinum card / loyalty scheme

For a few years before the pandemic we ran a loyalty scheme that recognised members who had stayed with us for five years or more. Sadly the majority of the businesses who offered platinum members a discount have folded in the past 18 months and most other services which attracted a discount are no longer available.

We were spending a good deal of time pursuing new offers and discounts, and checking existing ones remained valid. We were also having to issue new plastic cards on a regular basis which takes it's toll on the environment as well as our customer service team's limited time.

With income having been hit so hard and resources overstretched, we're sorry to say we're saying goodbye to the Platinum scheme. It doesn't mean we love our members any less - we're putting our thinking caps on to look at the best way forward with rewards and loyalty in the hope we can come up with something that's both sustainable and exciting.

Updated on:
September 3, 2021

Do you offer any discounts?

We have a concession discount that reduces the price of monthly membership and Pay As You Go activities. If you think you meet the eligibility criteria first sign-up for any of our monthly memberships or register for Pay As You Go

Once this is done you can choose to either:

  1. Complete a form to send relevant proof of entitlement (it will take up to 72 hours to apply the discount to your account)
  2. Bring it with you on your first visit so our venue staff can add the appropriate amendment to your subscription.
Updated on:
September 24, 2021

Which classes are included in ActivClub membership?

ActivClub membership includes:

  • Unlimited swimming
  • Bookable ActivClub Gym sessions (see our app for booking/times)
  • Disability Sport sessions
  • Walking Football and Walking Netball
  • PLUS a selection of classes at no extra charge which you can see on our website

Any activity not included can be paid for when you book.

You can compare all our Glasgow Club membership plans to find what's right for you.

Updated on:
September 24, 2021

Are online classes still available now venues are open?

In 2020 we launched online fitness and you can now sign up for an online-only membership which might be helpful if it’s not the right time for you to come back in person, or your preferred venue isn’t open.

This remains available and will also continue to be included as part of your venue membership subscription.

For online-only workouts visit Glasgow Club Online to sign up or you canrequest access at no extra charge as a paying Glasgow Club member.

Updated on:
November 22, 2022

Why can't I purchase an annual subscription?

We're keen to see as many annual lump sum payers as possible move to a flexible monthly plan.

Servicing things like reinstatement, cancellation, freezing and 'unfreezing' of memberships has always occupied the majority of our customer service team’s time, and this takes even longer for annual subscriptions, so last year, we made a number of changes. We removed the 12-month minimum-term contract needed to access FitClub membership at just £27 per month, making it our best value membership, with no long-term commitment. We also changed terms and conditions to put the customer in control of their payments.

To stop a membership, whether permanently, or just for a month or two, it's now as simple as cancelling the direct debit instruction with your bank and rejoining again when you're ready. Like most other subscriptions these days there is now no contract, no credit agreement, no risk and no pursuing payment of unpaid membership fees – just a simple monthly payment you can stop and start for yourself.

Annual payers always represented a small, and ever reducing proportion of our members. Payment up-front for a whole year was based on activities and services available at the time, and just like our personal circumstances, we all know these things have been (and remain) subject to considerable change.

The increased flexibility we've introduced has therefore substantially reduced waiting time for customers seeking help with their membership and access to services we provide. This has been vital as we face operating in challenging and unpredictable times. Allowing more transactions to be completed through “self-service” enables us to continue helping those with complex enquiries and needs. Unfortunately annual memberships don't lend themselves well to this approach.

Updated on:
February 15, 2022

What are the current opening hours?

Opening hours vary from venue to venue.

By checking our mobile app or booking website you can see the times your chosen activities are available, and you can book into the sessions which suit you best.

Updated on:
October 14, 2021

Can I join Glasgow Club?


You can compare our membership plans and sign up from home for a monthly plan or Pay As You Go.

Updated on:
November 22, 2022

Can I freeze or suspend my membership

We’ve simplified membership terms so you can just cancel your direct debit with your bank and re-subscribe when you’re ready.

If you stop your membership this way and return within 6-months, you’ll pay no admin fee and we’ll honour your current membership price. To take advantage of this, when you come to re-join you need to speak to our customer service team by emailing glasgow.club@glasgowlife.org.uk

Please note:

  • This can’t be done via our website.
  • If you presently receive a concession discount, you need to show you are still eligible when you return, otherwise the discount will not be re-applied to your subscription.
  • Please also see the information on joining Glasgow Club
Updated on:
June 20, 2023

I need my carer with me. Is this possible?

Yes, if a carer is there to make your visit possible, there's no charge for them and no need to book - just visit reception. We do advise checking our app for swimming times to avoid disappointment.

If however, a carer wants to swim for their own enjoyment, NOTE: anyone in receipt of carer's allowance, can apply for a concession discount

If you have any specific queries or concerns about visiting with the support of a carer or about your needs during your visit, you're welcome to phone the relevant venue to to discuss this in advance:

Updated on:
August 30, 2023

If I can't use the app or website to book, can I phone a centre?

Yes - we've published info on how to make bookings and its a great help if you can book and pay in advance but we understand that for some activities and for customers without access to the Glasgow Club app or online booking, it makes more sense to phone venues to book, pay, and make enquiries.  

Updated on:
July 28, 2022

Where can I find more information?

We will provide regular updates through our social media channels as well as on the Glasgow Life website.

Updated on:
August 27, 2021

How can I make a donation to help support Glasgow Life?

As a charity, Glasgow Life is hugely grateful for the support it has received during the coronavirus pandemic, which has helped us to continue vital work in communities across the city during the most challenging of times. You can continue to help us by donating here.

Updated on:
July 21, 2021
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